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Network Leadership

A network approach and its tools multiply the effectiveness of change, collaboration and communication in the organisation. It helps to increase employee engagement and retention. This is particularly important in supporting new ways of working during and after a pandemic.

If you’re a manager or you work in HR and…

  • you want to strengthen your personal impact, you’re looking for new resources,
  • curious about and committed to new solutions,
  • you want to uncover hidden resources in the organisation,
  • you want to improve communication and initiative,
  • you want to work with energised, engaged, active people,
  • you want to increase your effectiveness in change processes,
    then this training is for YOU.

What it’s about:

  • Exploring and rethinking your personal network
  • Discovering and exploring your network roles
  • Collaboration during remote work

What you can do with the knowledge gained here:

  • Developing agility and adaptability
  • Communicating organisational change
  • more effective cross-functional collaboration
  • virtual team leadership
  • organisational culture development

Want to know more?

Click here for more information kattints ide.

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