Rubovszky György Zsolt
For fifteen years I have been working in the development and accompaniment of individuals and communities. On the facilitation side, I mainly use my degrees in psychology (2005 Rome, 2014 PPKE BTK) and management (2014 BME GTK), but my studies in philosophy (2002 PPKE) and humanities (2005 ELTE) also influence my need for understanding. I was trained in economics (BME), but I have devoted most of my energies to various forms of personal and group development (psychodrama since 1997, individual and group forms of analytical and cognitive therapies, TFP Munich).
My leadership experience is also varied. I was a middle and senior manager for a long period of time (2002-2005 Piarist Secondary School in Budapest, 2007-2014 Piarist Vocational School, Secondary School and College in Göd). During my time as a senior manager I became committed to value-oriented community leadership, in which I saw and experienced the integrating power of individuals and communities, the exercise of power and assertive cooperation, the safe working atmosphere and the effectiveness created by clear relationships. But I also see the importance of the year when I tried my hand in a sector that was completely unknown to me at the time (2010-2011 Teapalota to Potala), in order to further my development. This year of study – ‘shabbaht’ – was instrumental in finding my voice as a leader and, at the same time, in daring to leave the status I had already acquired and to base my career on some kind of natural authority.
I am active in several areas of personal accompaniment: in the for-profit sector as a coach, trainer and counsellor, but also as a therapist in the OORI Fairy Mountain Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Rehabilitation Unit. In the latter field, I would like to mention my almost two decades of psychodramatic studies (continuously since 1997, MPE), which have been of great help to me in my work as a trainer and coach. I also have many years of experience in the cognitive and analytic fields, covering both individual and community forms of therapeutic support. My most recent method-specific training is in Transference F. Kernberg’s Transference Focused Psychotherapy, which I am training in at the TFP Institut München.
In my experience, the psychodramatic method is of great help in dealing with the concrete everyday challenges of practicing leaders in a professionally grounded yet practice- and experience-oriented way. This is both a basis for long-term development and a way of gaining experience that can be translated into immediate skills. As a coach I work specifically with the method of dramatic coaching.
I believe in learning, development and that life is a process. For this reason, I believe it is important that the direction of constant change should be development in all areas of both individual and community life. I work as a member of Creado in the Flow Group.