Resilience & Leadership / PICI
The Psychological Immune Competence Inventory (PICI) measures the individual’s coping and adaptive capacity (resilience) in different challenging situations.
Like the physical immune system, which protects the body against disease, the psychological immune system protects the individual against stress and adversity.
Our psychological immune system, as measured by the test, is made up of three subsystems, into which the 16 personality factors are classified.
- MONITORING, APPROACHING SUBSYSTEM: Positive Thinking, Sense of Control, Sense of Coherence, Sense of Self-Growth, Change and Challenge Orientation, Empathy – Social Monitoring Capacity, Goal Orientation
- MOBILIZING, CREATING, IMPLEMENTING SUBSYSTEM: Creative Self Concept, Problem-Solving Capacity, Self-Efficacy, Social Mobilizing Capacity, Social Creation Capacity
- SELF-REGULATORY SUBSYSTEM: Synchronicity, Impulse Control, Emotional Control, Irritability Control
Identify your strengths, and areas for improvement!
Completing PICI will allow you to assess the current strengths of your psychological immune system, identify your coping strengths, areas for improvement, gain insight into your own stress management strategies.
Identify the unique strengths and areas for improvement in your team!
Based on the individual scores, the strengths and areas for improvement of the team can be mapped. This will allow you to target areas where further improvement is needed and make good use of existing strengths.
This map can help you to understand team dynamics, enabling you to make better use of the strengths of your team members. This can improve team performance and take teamwork to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
Create individual or team resilience action plan!
Based on the results of PICI and the subsequent feedback session, you will be able to target and apply strategies that will help you to deal more effectively with the challenges of everyday life.
It also helps you draw conclusions about your overall well-being and the frequency of your flow experiences. This information can help you to better understand your own state and work on creating balance in your life to become more resilient.